Thursday, 4 July 2013

The exploring begins

Weekend number one (well the first weekend we were with the land of the living anyway!) and we finally have the chance to go out together and do some exploring.
Our main objective for the weekend was to try and familiarize ourselves with some of the local towns in order to try and work out where we want to live.
On Saturday we started our day visiting Superior, which had come highly recommended! Mmm lots of brand new housing estates, consisting of huge houses, and not a lot else. We did find our first American round about there though :-) We weren't particularly impressed although it seemed ideal for the American lifestyle of many. The final test was done; Andy and Steph did a thorough inspection of the playground, and then we moved on.
Louisville was our afternoon destination, again this had come highly recommended, but for different reasons.  Louisville is lovely, I can see why so many people recommended it. It's a small town with a really good high street, lots of green areas and a thriving community. The final test was carried out; the park was very successful due to it's water area. Steph was very funny when playing in it as she kept running in, then out again and saying "bit cold, bit wet!"

Sunday brought with it the slightly cooler weather of which we decided to take advantage and head up into the mountains for a walk. The road our street is off leads directly up into the mountains, within 5 minutes of leaving the house we were on the mountain road and heading up. Such a novelty to just jump into the car for a brief drive to get to a decent walk rather than the several hours of driving it would take in the UK. We enjoyed a scenic drive before stopping at Goes reservoir for our picnic and a short wonder. Again we were slightly limited on the walk as munchkin doesn't seem particularly keen on walking much on her own at the moment and the back carrier is in the container. We enjoyed the views and some rock /gravel investigations before the weather closed in and the thunder could be heard rumbling overhead.

We finished the day by heading back to Louisville to investigate the ice cream cafe we found there - yum yum
All in all it was a lovely weekend where we really started to get a feel for the area and where we might live. I'm still struggling to take in the beauty and splendor of where we are and how lucky we are to have it virtually on our doorstep.

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